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  #746 (permalink)  
Old 13-08-2023, 09:29 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Exactly they can't keep quiet because they want to show they are needed but can't provide relavant inputs.
IMHO, the higher up one goes, their thought process and (1) decision making should be more strategic and (2) taking care of the members whom they are in-charge of. They simply should not have the time to nitpick and micro-manage because it’s damaging to both their team members morale (make them believe their work will never be up to par) and themselves (they do double work which is their own and (1) and (2).

Don’t say tech, even non-tech roles at CSA. I’ve seen with my own eyes the team lead in the tech side of CSA who places trust in his members, he even say “I’m not as tech so I don’t know that in-depth so let my guys handle” and then he goes on to take care of his team, and many who are on his team like the team culture that he has built.

My gripe is with bosses who are disconnected from the ground and think they know it all and the members on the ground are frustrated because they are dealing with the implications of whatever whack decision the boss is making from their ivory tower.

Then again as the previous poster said, this is not uncommon at work. Suck thumb Lor, as long as the boss is not narcissistic and irresponsible for their emotions is good.
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