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  #3398 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2023, 12:30 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Scary stuff

Very political one working here. Got a PhD super smart. No wait. He thinks he is super smart and everyone else around him is stupid. To the point that meeting he has repeat his point multiple times like we are dumb children.

Anyway Covid-19, he got laid off from his division but they tried to make it like he was transferred to another division. He was laid off then offered a position in another division.

From day one he joined the existing division manwhement already play politics on him.
Purposely suppress his hiring abilities. Restrict his access to this and that.

Then when he said he need to form a team etc the admin purposely delay finding people with the excuse that there is no candidate. Until eventually HR just give him some random candidates who failed interview, those second interview candidates with no relevant background.

Long story short, they joined. Treated as outside and not part of the fivision.
Admin keep reminding us that he and his team is not part of our division.
Its BU level whatever that means.

Anyway his team all resigned. Today he is alone.
So sad right. But nope. This is how the organisation here worked.

On BTW he is AVP title. And the VP and SVP title here all worked like 30 years in this division.
And he come in newbie one year wanna disrupt everything.

Kena played politics also didn't know.

Anyway that guy is not good also, just always hold meeting.
And talk down on people. Or sarcastic remarks on other colleagues. To the point that ppl actively avoid him.

He even threatened to pull someone from their team into his because he like to...
Everyone avoiding him like a plague.

This is what happens when you have high qualification. Zero EQ. And zero allies.
Now it's just a waiting game for his to resign or quit willingly.

Because this is how politics are played in this company.
People in power keep getting promoted to get more power.
So they see anyone a threat is efficiently dealt with.
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