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  #169 (permalink)  
Old 31-05-2012, 09:28 AM
Huat Ah
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Haha seems like alot of people keep asking advise from current LAE, but alot seems to ignore the warning from us.

Blinded by the $$$, health or wealth(if you consider $5k alot at the end of 8yrs, $7k $8k are those working arnd 30yrs above, nowadays u would not be able to achieve that due cost cutting cheaper better faster) , your choice.

Take advise from some who posted here, if u want big money, go banking, oil and gas.

Passion in aeroplane, life as LAE brutally murdered my passion for aeroplane, the management are the ones responsible, all looking for their own KPI, cut this, cut that.

Likes to do hands on: We have to work in heights, doing wiring chk with live current, heavy parts, all in awkward/confine spaces, limited manpower/resources/safety equipment and worse with limited time.

So much toxic and hazardous things, the moment u enter the work area, haha radiation from the weather radar, aircrafts arriving/departing every mins/hrs, the stress and pressure, toxics from the engine/hydraulic oil, sealants(with warning tag on the bottle: inhaling will cause damage to liver/kidney). Falling from heights, hit by falling objects, sprain ur legs/back/hand. Strike by lightning(u think I'm kidding)... so much more, too lazy to type.

The last warning from a bunch of LAEs working for almost 9yrs, those still waiting for calls from HR, looking forward to medical chk up, send resume no reply .... ur have been warned........

All aviation companies usually cover their staff with full medical coverage; class A ward.. btw the weather radar does not operate with weight on wheels, hence u will not get radiated, unless u offend someone and the guy points it at u.
For toxic fumes, personal protective equipments are also provided, proper training are also given to educate all staff to be careful. If you find it dangerous, just walk away.
Why do u want to discourage people from joining as an apprentice? Are you afraid that they will compete with you and eat up your share of the cake?
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