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Thread: Lawyer Salary
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  #19346 (permalink)  
Old 20-05-2023, 05:10 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Can i ask whether the legal sector is still experiencing a glut of graduates like in 2016?

Initially I went into law because i was trying to be contrarian (going against everyone's advice of not doing law). Just realized that I made a huge mistake because law is still oversaturated after nearly 10 years of glut. I only have passion for criminal law and like equity & trusts.
No offense but this is a naive mindset to have.

Your interest in the profession being dictated by how many competing entrants there are at the fresh grad level sounds like a reasonable mindset to have at first blush, but only because law has an artificial bottleneck i.e. the need to obtain TCs to qualify.

What if I told you that at the mid-level, there is a dearth of lawyers and you are almost guaranteed to get a job because good mid-level lawyers are so uncommon and law firms are fighting to hire all the mid-levels? Will you then think that the profession is attractive?

And if I told you that at the senior level, its hard to get hired anywhere at a level of compensation which would find palatable, unless you have a proven book of business as a rainmaker? Would you again think the profession is unattractive?

The market outlook varies with the level of seniority. If you have no interest, you should not be practising, full stop. Choosing your career based solely on market demand is stupid - we saw how that played out with life science and to some extent, now with cs.

Anyway you sound like a student, because nobody describes practice areas like "equity and trusts" (this is an academic area, not a practice area). So you still have a few years to think about alternative paths.
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