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Thread: Lawyer Salary
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  #19220 (permalink)  
Old 22-04-2023, 03:47 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Is it worth quitting my medical training for Law School?

Currently a 30 year old Singaporean, working as a CT2 core psychiatry trainee doctor in Yorkshire UK , pay conditions are deplorable and colleagues are leaving for other fields. Still have another 1 more year of core training plus 3 more years of higher speciality training, to be fully qualified as a consultant psychiatrist.

Should I just quit my psychiatry training and apply to law schools such as Durham and UCL?
Insane. No way should you do it.

There's no guarantee you will land a magic circle firm (which is the only outcome that's remotely worthwhile from an ROI perspective) even if you graduate with decent honours, and you'll be competing with young energetic bright fresh LLB grads half a decade younger than you.

If you don't land an MC or better job, the next and most likely outcome is to return to SG with your tail between your legs and settle for a Big 4 local law firm. And let me tell you, the work conditions and pay as a junior grunt in Big 4 is pretty much on par with a HO / MO in public healthcare in SG. And at 35 years old? I doubt anybody is cut out for that.

You will be regretting your decision to switch for a decade to come.
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