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  #5323 (permalink)  
Old 18-04-2023, 03:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Can I ask, how does one get fte in education? (From ops pov)
I am exiting residency this July, and I have seen my seniors (r4/5) who clear mmed stay back to run clinical (osce scenarios) with us. They write the case, we do it, then they critique our performance, some even prepare simple PowerPoint slides to teach us on the case/topic
I presume that all these take time and given that it takes place after office hours, can I check if they are paid for these things? (Or at least get protected time during work to prepare for such sessions, and if this constitutes FTE in education?)
Or is really out of their goodwill that they do it? (I.e spent time out of hours outside work and get nothing in reward?)
Depending on your cluster, education is a requirement
This after hours is counted and enough hours contribute to your bonus.
That said most of us do it altruistically to help junior pass la.

Cannot 1.0 fte in education one.
Everyone wants do education so it's very popular.
Education track is max 0.6 FTE on education.
And u can wait long long to get it. Some clinic pple wait for years to get it and never give it up
One ops usually 1 and he/she is the key trainer
And even still some clinic do get not involved in resident clinic or take enough medical students to support a education track FTE.

U must be zai to begin with to teach lei and go education track
Passing != zai fyi.
If u find yourself able to quote xxx study or yyy meta analysis to support this and that decision maybe u are suitable for it. Haha or if u anytime can demo how to do a neuro exam off the bat
If u serious , go do a masters of heath education with academy of medicine

In ops u cant run away from clinic one la
Education and admin duty is to give u some breather space.

I teach med student year 1, year 3, year 4 and even lkc year 5 plus gdfm and resident I also not education track lei.

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