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  #5244 (permalink)  
Old 13-04-2023, 09:37 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
So compared to your peers in private/aesthetics (I am sure you have friends outside in gp land), do you earn more than them now after spending so long in public sector, with all the relevant qualifications? (I.e is your net worth similar to them?)
what is the point of your question? - to quote chan chun seng
U mean u go compare ur networth with your friends? for what? to gain a superiority complex?

I think i'm middle of the pack. 1 guy owns 6 clinic. He basically go cover them when his doctors take MC, i estimate he makes maybe 10-15K profit each clinic and quite eng, so go figure.
One guy work 8-2 as a hired GP. Lots of free time to do his volunteer work in church. Heard he starting bible college soon

I dont have any closer friend doing aesthetics. 2 girls i sorta know go back to doing regular GP work after a while. Someone's someone hearsay i know make $30K per month , but she is pretty glam looking to begin with so maybe that's a selling point. Me old , balding with a beer belly cant attract that kind of money, unless i am an accredited plastic surgeon i guess.

financially wise i'm ok i think.
I had save and invest regularly over the years.
HDB paid , 1 condo rent out and have regular dividends from stocks.
essentially, i don't have to worry about money. Cannot buy GCB , but go europe during shopping wife want that 5K channel bag is ok although i discourage that.

I still drink kopi tiam coffee , same as 20 years ago when i was a poor student. I take MRT to work , same as when i was a poor student
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