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  #7491 (permalink)  
Old 18-03-2023, 06:23 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Actually it is already communicated to us that appraisal is mainly based on the level of impact. Might sound like priorities are misplaced but the hint is there.

If you just focus on teaching your class well, the impact, at the end of the day, is only on your class. You can make the impact greater by sharing what you have done with your class with other teachers in your level and ensuring they carry it out with their classes. That way, your impact will be increased to level-wide instead of just on your class only.

Granted, it is not easy to do this cos you will need the support of your level teachers and a certain level of influence. But this is one way to kill two birds with one stone.
After attending sharings at school, cluster, zonal, and even national level, you come to realize that classroom teaching is more or less the same.

It is a people-job, and ultimately boils down to classroom time, practice, and consistency in students' effort.

There is no substitute for giving work, and marking work.

A class that do more work, gets their work marked promptly and getting the needed feedback, will do better than a class with less work, and less feedback.

Every few years they will introduce new fads, and teachers will rush to follow.
Like using ict tools such as padlet, kahoot, mentimeter in lessons.

And then latest fad is to change the way lesson plans are designed.

But if we look at the flow of lessons, it's always essentially about teaching-class work- homework.

Same stuff, just packaged differently.

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