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  #4719 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2023, 11:41 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Can I ask, I am a R3 finishing residency in July this year. I actually do not have a bond left. I was wondering if it's advisable to stay in ops from July-nov period before the mmed or just join a group/fmc (as this is what I want to do long run)

My faculty has kinda of said that all of us can participate in the bridging program (as long as we pass the upcoming akt mcq exam) even if we are not based in ops. (Since most teaching are after office hrs anyway)

We are just discussing among my batch, quite a few of us have finished our bond, some wants to go Comm hosp, some want to go gp land, and one wants to do palliative (thinking of hospice Rp/fp). Just wondering if one is certain of what they want to do, is there any point in staying in ops post residency prior to mmed? (As you are kind of wasting time, if you have already decided what you want to pursue long term)

Most of is feel that there is no point in just hanging ard in ops, if really don't want to be there, esp if we can do the bridging program anyway.
how much do you get paid to stay in ops vs advancing your career? u alr know the answer
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