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  #5084 (permalink)  
Old 16-02-2023, 02:30 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Ah my bad I should've clarified. I was referring to the job offers I got, with a big load of responsibilities (probably why they're offering that much). And thanks! I will gladly avoid those Chinese companies hahaha their reputations kinda bad. If you dont mind sharing, what role are you in right now, maybe I'll explore that area too.
Not that poster but I just want to say, take your time to look if your situation allows you to. Tech may be slowing down but as long as you have the skills. It's the same like in any industry, there are always ups and downs so try to master a niche area and you'll always be in demand. But of course prior work experience will help a lot too.

Tech is also one of the jobs that potentially allows you the opportunity to pursue a career overseas as well. I'm the one who mentioned European companies, due to personal experience. One of the things that I still remember to this day was my company's (French) IT guy telling me he couldn't help me with an issue as he meant to be working on a project till Dec so I'd have to wait 6 months. The labor laws are way different as compared to in and the culture is different as well. Some people think it's lazy etc but I'm fine with that
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