Forums - View Single Post - Top 100 jobs in Singapore (2007)
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  #357 (permalink)  
Old 14-10-2008, 04:34 PM
last hope--
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Default 2930

Thks..its a Sales Manager position(FMCG),requiring a lot of travelling. $4500 before commission, & lots more benefits which was just briefly described to me over the phone. I'll know more details when i sign tomorrow. There's also over-riding commission from Team's sales as its a manager position . After probation, probable increment.

Im just thankful to get the job, as I knew there were a few really formidable candidates for the position. I truly believe it was my personality that secured me the job. good luck to the ones who missed out on this chance(because of me!) & to all of you jobseekers out there!keep persevering!
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