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  #353 (permalink)  
Old 14-10-2008, 01:07 PM
last hope--
Posts: n/a
Default 2926

HI TO EVERYONE! just a little update to those wishing me well..

My Interview with the COO & MD went very well yesterday. BUT they did say they will call me by this week for the news if I get the job or not! I had done all I could, gave my best during the interview, did all research & convinced them my capabilities & experience & most of all my work ethics & enthusiasm.

Well, I just got the call. & I GOT THE JOB!!!!! will sign & start work on Monday! Thank god.. i'm going to cherish the job & opportunity so much. They are going to be so lucky..

well, i am not going to use this "last hope" nick anymore..from now, on, it will be "new hope"..

Just a word to all out there, please cherish what u have in life, it can all go away in a split second.cherish your family, health, & job. remember $ is very important but not the only thing. when things crumble, then it will be too late for regrets.

take care everyone, & thank you for all your well wishes. I have had a rough life, but at 34, i am ready to rebuild it. The good job & pay is going to help me no doubt, but still needs to be supported by hard work & matured thinking.


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