Forums - View Single Post - Salary reasonable for private school?
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 12-04-2012, 10:18 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
So assuming you got your first degree at 25..

and you worked for 1 year till you are 26..

Then you say you went back to school to obtain your masters degree full-time ( this took you slightly over a year period you say )... So we assume you completed at 28...

So the 6 years of experience you say you possessed is the 1 year experience you've gained before your masters degree and then the subsequent 5 years working experience after your masters right? so that means you are around 33 years old??..

Frankly to only draw 3.5k at 33years old is damn shitty salary.. After CPF only left with less than 3k... will be very difficult to support familly/parents... Better think twice..
Wonderful, let's sack the HR compensation & benefits guys and just pay people according to their age and their financial commitments. Hey, I just bought a car, so my pay must be $6k. Great system.
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