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  #348 (permalink)  
Old 10-10-2008, 12:45 AM
last hope--
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Default 2892

well, the COO called me as she said she would, asking me to drop by on Monday afternoon. I am the most nervous ever! This is a job which i feel so suited for as well, as for many other reasons. This job wil re-start my new life, but i know I cannot be too hopeful, I also have to prepare for the worst.

I have 3days to prepare myself. Just today alone, I have printed about 20pages to learn about the industry, products & company further.

Now its all about the MD liking me & finding me suitable.

I really need & want this job. This will be for my son, & even my ex, who actually needs more financial support from me. Plus I truly believe I will grow with this company.

Just an update for those who posted their well-wishes. thks guys...
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