Originally Posted by Unregistered
GEO4 subject head(confirmed) + HOD(internal) here. A grade for past 3 years but still waiting for promotion. Salary has been crawling very slowly. Even A grade merit increments in Apr 2021 and 2022 were 160-180 max. These MI quantums used to be given for C or C+ grades. RA for SH is peanuts.
Damn sian now. The GEO3 teachers that are just out of BT-ship are actually catching up in pay. SEO colleagues are widening the gap even further.
you will eventually get promoted to SEO1 given your appointment and performance, and as such will enjoy substantial pay jump when it happens, so just press on. the greater pay revision for SEO1 shld be good news for you actually, unless the internal HOD appt doesnt materialise (dont think so)