Would like some genuine advice from seniors here. (Can be hospital or polyclinic)
Can I check how much are doctors protected medicolegally while working in public institutions? (Both from a junior doctor and senior doctors - fp/consultant point of view)
I recently read that a gp got suspended for missing diagnosis of TB (apparently xr got changes and he dismiss it as pneumonia and didn't follow up) Also noted few years back a private paediatrician got suspended for missing Kawasaki disease (apparently symptoms are atypical).
Just wondering if the same thing happen in a public, how protected are we as doctors. (Of course I don't know the details of the exact cases, info are from
smc website)
Context: personally I am mopex in ops currently, I can tell you for sure our seniors don't vet through all the cases we see. Similarly previously mopexing in gs, we don't clear all clinic cases with consultant. (IM no clinic work to be fair so reg sees everything inpatient so safer)
just wondering if a similar thing happen to us (e.g missed tb/cancer or didn't give appropriate follow up for cases that should be followed up), will we be backed or protected by the institution? And I guess same thing apply if one becomes a senior (either as consultant or senior FP in ops), will we be protected if we missed a serious diagnosis by missing or not following up on an investigation result?
Just wondering as I am seriously worried that no matter where I go, I cannot gaurantee that i wont make mistakes, and of course we all know some mistakes are more serious than usual...