Forums - View Single Post - Best-Paying Jobs in Singapore (2008)
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 21-09-2008, 09:52 PM
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Default 2733

the argument about who earns more is never ending. Even if you say that engineers re getting 10K/mth, some cocky bankers will claim that they re earning 10 times of that amount. Ironically, I don't see the lawyers and doctors coming to this forum to boast about how much they earn. No offence. I give lots of respect to certain professions like lawyers, investment bankers, traders and doctors. For all their capabilties and stress level, I think the high pay is well justified. But what I scorn is some personal banker, financial planner or banking operation analyst coming on to this forum to boast about their bright prospects in the financial arena. At the end of the day, there is no need to compare. If i m earning 10K/mth, i ll be very satisfied already. Coz it allows me to live the lifestyle I want. Let's be clear about the objective of earning more.
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