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  #40 (permalink)  
Old 24-09-2008, 10:45 PM
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Default 2761

Ronaldo is missing my point.

Statistics is a good gauge but not as a pinpoint.

"My conclusion - people in banking industry are normal people working in other industries like operations, engineering and legal etc."

Firstly, you draw your conclusion from your pool of friends. Your sample size is restricted to those you know. But surveys have shown, on average, banking n financial is one of the best paymaster. So in terms of pay, people in banking n finance are a little better.

Secondly, not too sure of the orientation of your slantedness or biasness, you seem to have an issue. Judging from your previous posts, it is difficult to take your words.

Three, people whom I know, regards a monthly salary as a mere figure. So dont get overly fixated on that. Like I mentioned, getting 11k or 2k more does not equate to anything more than the extra renumeration you be receiving. Some folks draw 10k a month but is worth hundreds of million. So is a director drawing 12k per month "better" than those guys? I doubt so.

I think it is neccessary for your comments to be sorted out and not be tinted with biasness. There are many people looking for decent advice here.

For many years to come and to go, it is without doubt that banking and finace remains one of the best place to get good monthly pay. Of course there are fine prints and disclaimers. Just like how many creative or arty guys can be paid 12k per month.

Endof the day, be true to yourself. Choose a job that your innerself calls for. Without passion, one can never go far.
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