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  #323 (permalink)  
Old 05-09-2008, 10:39 PM
T Rajagopal--
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Default 2601

When one leaves this Earth one is not remembered for the wealth accumulated nor for the heights up the corporate ladder but for the lives one has touched.

In all 60 yearsof my life I have seen ups and downs - from top to bottom. Remember life has many lessons for us all but nothing beats a simple life touching others less fortunate bacause only good and lasting memories stays - you cannot take wealth and position with you but your compassion and kindness and lifting others less fortunate are the only ways you are remembered. History tells us that and we learn.

So stop comparing salaries and live life the way it should be - touching lives.

To one and all my best wishes for a fuitful and meaningful career and live touching others.

T Rajagopal
5th September 2008

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