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  #3927 (permalink)  
Old 29-04-2022, 08:52 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Anyhow new norm la, who with internship/work experience and grades etc basically a decent cv will accept contract if others with no experience whatsoever also get offered full time (probably HR didn’t plan properly cos it looks more like mass offer given out during the first batch of tap). So those uni grads with experience many reject cos not like acn is the only company out there, then now acn mass hiring poly grads, cos low pay but can also work like mad.

Ok la but you need to know yourself, if your cv is not good like no internship experience even if it’s smaller firm you don’t have any, no co-curricula activities, no leadership roles then jolly well got to accept contract Liao cos you apply anywhere else also tough with this profile. BUTTT, if you got the above mentioned, especially good internships then you’re in safe hands tbh, you can consider other firms and offers and not just resort to a non permanent Low pay contract role in acn.
Agree, it’s quite common sense anyone with past internships experiences with global f500 firms and have leadership and extra curricular activities will no way take a contract role, dk why the project still bother asking. At the very least set some standards lah, like understand if the candidate have no such skills or experience then offered contract but if offer contract to ppl who have skills and experience over someone who doesn’t and come in as a full time permanent role instead, who will be happy to accept and just reflects negatively on the kind of standard. 4.5+400 is average or decent for fresh grads but coupled in the clients, type of work you do (where there’s not much transferrable skill sets and high ot rate), this salary isn’t that “high” tbh, and do note bonus is on top of base pay 4.5k and not total 4.9k….you can consider companies with base pay much higher, such as Bloomberg 5k and up, AWS, foreign bank. Ya I know some will argue those companies pay higher cos in the first place they are good, so if you no experience don’t try your luck lol, but if you have experience jolly well go for it. There’s also smaller firms out there who are paying more on the job, culture is also one thing job seekers can consider and job scope includes engagement you will be dealing with, responsibilities, offer package.
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