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  #13229 (permalink)  
Old 25-04-2022, 08:38 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I often see people who don't really know much about the job market saying things like this.

Here's some insight into tech market since that other guy pointed it out. In tech, there are at least 20+ SG companies that will take in any mediocre dev and let them coast for 5-10 years. There are F500 companies that will promote you every 2-3 years if you put 50% effort in and many more.

You don't just get fired out of the blue lmfao that's nonsense. Also the market is hot for good devs, anyone who is 45 years old and above who are in tech, will most likely be Senior / Principal dev level.

Companies will hire these people over any fresh grads or junior devs regardless of age. Unless you're joining some fresh start-up unicorn, most of the managers at F500 companies are in their 40s and 50s with family. There's no ageism in these companies, they don't give a ****. As long as you do work, show growth, take initiative, make them look good, that's all they care.

Do side gigs if you want, good on you if you do, I respect the hustle but don't spread some ******** and make it sound like working hard at a job is futile since you might get fired out of the blue when that's near impossible in a booming sector like tech.
You are obviously very young, naiive and still wet behind the ears.
What you are describing is the current TREND of employment. Tech may be hot NOW but it wasn't that way 15-20 years ago and it may not be 15-20 years from today. This employment TREND has happened before for engineers in the electronics manufacturing and semi conductor industry in Singapore in the 1990s. It was the HOT TREND then but not NOW. Similarly things will change in the tech segment. Besides, all the tech skills you have today could be obsolote in the next 5 years.
And to the point of you don't get fired out of the blue? You sure about that? Again you are delusional. 1) Nobody is indispensible. 2) Many companies these days retrench as soon as they do not make enough money to "meet analyst forecast". 3) Foreign talents who are much younger and hungrier not to mention much cheaper are all waiting to take your job, young padawan. You are nothing special. Just remember that. It will do you a world of good.
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