Forums - View Single Post - Breach of contract recruitment agency
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 05-01-2022, 01:08 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Holidays time, don't be so ganchiong. Try to get some legal clinic for advice, it should be a fairly common qn for them.

Have never signed such agreement before and not a law student. Some thoughts - Your contract between you and C should only be effective after you have found a job through them ie signed a contract or started with the company via an opportunity sourced by C? If you have not entered into a contract between you and company, the contract between you and C is not effective yet?

When you signed the agreement between you and C - how much details of the actual contract between you are the co are in there? E.g. position, remuneration, leave entitlement, probationary period and etc. If the agreement between you and C is actually quite light, I would think the case for C to push for payment is low? Can't be if the company offers you a shitty contract, and you still have to sign it right.

Anyway worst case situation is get sued (probably small claims tribunal). So nothing to worry
Recruiter have file SCT against me. Why nothing to worry about?
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