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Old 08-01-2012, 10:51 AM
Anonymous Anonymous is offline
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post

Anyway, MRT breaks down again and again. Our government so many talent. All these are just isolated cases Singaporeans use to denigrate government.
You are assuming that everyone else with the appropriate technical knowledge, having assessed the business needs, cost,and other relevant factors would agree with you that web-mail is the wrong for schools (I don't think MOE HQ uses web-mail for security reasons). I'm simply not sure if they do.

This discussion stemmed from a very simple point which I made - that there are good officers in the public service who are able to earn within 5 years, above 5k pm. It is a simple fact. And I know because I've seen many of such cases. This point does not contradict and is in itself not mutually exclusive to the fact that corruption and poor bosses exist in the civil service. Yet you kept using the latter to rebut the former. Clearly you can't see logic.

You have a lot of bitterness in you. I think it is obvious to everyone who reads this thread. You can't accept the fact that there are many others in this world who are much more successful than you. Your first reaction is to lash out at them instead of trying to learn from them. Yes, some of them may start off appearing to be arrogant. You can't seem to let that pass and listen to the useful points.

With your kind attitude - thinking that you're always right and everyone else is always wrong - I wonder how you can ever work properly with others who do not share your views. And I predict quite confidently here that that the outcome for you is going to be the same, be it in the public service or outside.
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