Originally Posted by Unregistered
Before he approve the pay cut he should have already known that it would affect its reputation.
Pay cut for associates, beautiful office for SM & partners.
Thanks max.
Lmao audit starting pay literally one of the lowest alr still want to cut cut cut. I know 2020 Covid time was uncertain and all but the least they could do is to back pay. Other professional industries didn't have this bullshiat.
This belated restoring and slight increment only benefits the new batch and shortchanges last year's batch.
I wonder all the BAcc students studying in unis right now, not sian meh? Bombarded with news about how shiatty this industry is, when other industries like tech are literally raising salaries like mad just to keep talents.
The Big4 truly deserve the state of affairs they are in. Shortage of manpower and declining audit quality by hiring cheap malaysians. I hope this whole industry tanks.