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Old 05-01-2012, 07:16 PM
Anonymous Anonymous is offline
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Anonymous is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by miwashi View Post
But of course, how does one get noticed when you don't get visible and career-making work to do.
I didn't think I had to say this. As cliche as it sounds, your future/career lies in your own hands. No one is else is looking out for you (and no one else should) in case you haven't notice already. When was the last time you actually did something about your career progression?

Anyway, I thought I should share my story. Perhaps that might shed some light on how you could make good.

I was a local scholar. I started out being deployed at a line department doing some corporate development work (certainly not career making work). It wasn't my cup of tea but I did the best I could anyway and sucked it up for 2 years. Truth be told I wasn't getting anywhere. In the future, my AO director whole reveal to me that my CEP then was a low 9 (to him, that's low). I could have gotten it because I was a scholar, or because I had a first class bachelor's degree + masters. But whatever the case, unlike what you have heard, low 9 (i.e. superscale) CEPs are not that uncommon in the civil service. Remember having a high CEP doesn't mean you would reach it eventually. My own staff's CEP was superscale 9, and she is not a scholar.

I was promoted to mx11 after that stint, most likely due to the CEP. But even before that, I had put in a request for a posting with HR. I was offered an interview with a policy unit at the ministry HQ. I eventually took up the post. This is despite many of my colleagues telling me that it was a hardship post that many people shunned. I thought, "don't piah how to succeed?".

I went. Workload was really hellish. In fact for the initial period of about 3 months, I struggled. I was really quite suay - first month I went on reservist. When I came back my supervisor went for his reservist, followed by leave. There was no one to teach me the ropes and I worked directly with my AO DD. He wasn't exactly a nice guy to work with and I was almost marked down by him. Fact is, in the ministry, it is a dog-eat-dog world. You don't really expect your peers to help you because it is at the expense of their own progression (when it came to ranking, they would be ranked with me. If I screwed up, it bodes well for them). At that point I really wanted to quit. I called up my PSD contact asking her to compute my bond cost.

Thankfully my supervisor came back and he guided me. Also by that time, I started to get the hang of things and soon I started to do okay. At that point in time, my portfolio was quite sucky. A lot of dirty and unnoticeable work. It didn't really matter to me, so long as I know what I did was meaningful, even if it didn't catch the eye of others, I had my job satisfaction (i compared it with my earlier corporate development work).

But eventually I got luckier. Part of my portfolio became more prominent and my stern Director took notice of me because I was juggling a lot of heavy projects at the same time. I was also lucky in the sense that my supervisor was quite nice, and he put in a good word for me from time to time. They helped creep up my CEP.

At that point in time, I had become pretty established because I paid a lot of attention to my work and i learnt by reading and consulting many experts (legal, policy, etc - grew to like law) because I'm inquisitive by nature. I gained a fair bit of knowledge. There would come a point in time when I became quite an expert and my departments would consult me on issues related to policy and application of legislation.

All this stemmed from hard work. Depending on the need, I worked weekends and late nights. Here I give an example. There was a project that had a lot of history (I grew a liking to history after that :P) and it was voluminous. I combed through every document on record and that was literally 30 volume files, on average each about 4-5 inches thick (tied together by string) to understand the history. At the same time, I put together a chronology based on that information for my management. That was easily 160-200 pages. I was literally a walking dictionary/consultant on that issue after that because I had digested the information (I came to realise my memory was pretty good) and my senior management took note of it. I pulled out the key documents as well and assembled a quick search history folder.

All that is 1 project. At any moment, big and small, each one in my unit handles 15-20 projects. On top of that, appeals and complaints. Of course the level of urgency was different for each. Also not all are equally important.

I also built up quite a network across service because much of my work was inter-agency. I also made friends with some foreign counterparts. I'm still in contact with them (but of course I know where to draw the line). I build my network with honesty and trust. I try to help my counterparts when I can, and when I can't I explain to them why. Most people will be nice to you when you are nice to them. I'm the kind to reach out my hand to shake first. But they also know me to be no-nonsense when it comes to work. That has to be the case, if you want to be taken seriously. I find that my network helped me a lot because if I need urgent help/info, it was usually a call or 2 away.

My Director changed after a couple of years. The new Director was a nice person and he came to notice and appreciate my work in part because we had to work closely for some matters. He, and my supervisors continued to help creep up my CEP. Last I heard, its about an 8/7.

I try to pay it forward by grooming my staff under me. To mean, each of them are like my students and I taught them everything I know. I speak to them often about their career direction and help find them opportunities if they want to strive. If I think there is potential in them, I speak to my bosses about their CEPs to push it up. If they say, not enough justification to push up, I get them to agree to give my staff more opportunities. I'm glad to say they are doing well. You know, I think it is always better to give positive comments about your staff (and also your colleagues) then to put them down, like I see some other bosses/colleagues doing. Some people are jealous about their staff's CEP/performance and try to block them. I think that's stupid and narrow minded. I had a staff who was an MA and who was very gung-ho, didn't really want supervision. I gave him advice as and when he needed, and stepped aside to let him fly (work directly with top management). It's always better to have your staff do well then do poorly.

Anyway, the point Im trying to make is that one should be positive and proactive. If you think you have what it takes and you're not being noticed or appreciated. Tell your boss. If your boss isn't the kind to help, change unit. Don't just sit on your hands. I was lucky that my bosses happened to be nice. But I know it doesn't always happen. If and when I meet a mean boss, I will either suck it up for a while, of if I can't take it, move on.
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