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  #254 (permalink)  
Old 04-07-2008, 09:29 PM
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Default 2099

DP - "Some local university fresh grads earn more than him. What's there for him to brag aloud???"

What you are saying is Nonsensical and rubbish. Let's just say by a scratch of our imagination, there are indeed a handful of fresh graduates getting more than me. i.e. BASIC > 12K. The amount in total is just 12K with a couple of bonuses at year end and some petty allowances. Add to that being new in the company, they must work hard and continously proved their worth for at least few months to a year.

Now back to me. My basic is 12K. Add to this my allowance to entertain my clients/accounts/new business is uncapped and unlimited. Add to that I have a $200 phone allowance on my own personal mobile phone + a black berry phone with unlimited access to make calls outgoing + commission which is on average $2K per month with new business + corporate card to entertain my clients + totally flexible working environment here i can choose to lunch for 2 to 3 hours in between if i want to + i can leave office anytime after 4-5 pm if i am tired or if i feel like leaving office.

Compare all this to the new fresh uni grad. I dont feel at all envious. I am born in the year 1981 Dec, so techincally I am stil not even 28 years old or 27 yet. Comparing the age of the fresh grad be it a guy or girl, youngest i give them 23 years old. So what? The differential in age is only 4 years. And I am up for my next performance review in September this year. With every review, my salary will go up minimum 10% or at least the standard guide in my company is such. But usually my increment is always expected to be 30% or least 25%.

I also expect after end of the year or CNY, I will be given a 6 month monitoring period to succeed the role of AGM (assistant GM). Once i am successfuly, my position increases and my pay scale will be in a totally new dimension.

I am not booasting nor lying. I don't see the need to lie to anyone because doing so would be the BIGGEST lie to myself. I am happy with what i got but i really aspire to be more than what i can be. To break the barrier of being the best.

I may only drive a BMW Z4 but at least I am not afraid or need to constantly look behind my back to see if i will be retrenched. Oil prices are sky rocketing, alot of pilots are being retrenched... lesser demand for air travel because air travel are becoming increasing expensive. ..they are becoming redundant. Watch it David Seah.

windwaver - your cousin 26 years old, is making 250K per annum?? ridiculous and Nonsensical. Even any person opening their ass crack or opening their legs to people cannot even smell near that amount, even if they do it 24/7. What does your cousin do btw? He imagines monopoly money?? haha.. Nonsensical.

I am not yet 27 years old until Dec this year. In chinese, my age is plus one so 28 coming. But the fact is I am only coming 27 years old and I am this much.

Signing off,

Regards, Ron
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