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  #253 (permalink)  
Old 04-07-2008, 01:45 PM
Al C---
Posts: n/a
Default 2098

Be thankful that you are earning so much more than most of us. Some people are barely scraping through with 2k SGD/month. Learn to carry yourself like Warren Buffett, the richest man in the world, who still stays in his old house for 30 years. If you wanna be respected, why not start parting %30 of your pay to people in need like those in Sichuan or Myanmar? Remember this, money can buy you a lot of things, but it cannot buy you true friends and more importantly, life. The probability of Man dying is and will always be 1.
Hope you are able to gain some perspective on this and focus on other things.

Mind you, I have a PhD and am earning way less than you are. I complain a bit but what the heck, I am still alive, which is good (after facing life-threatening scenarios). So please, be very thankful and think about how you can use your money for something purposeful. Cheers!

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