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  #3938 (permalink)  
Old 05-09-2021, 11:49 AM
Posts: n/a

agree. those who say 10k after 7 to 8 years are obviously bullcrapping.

it depends on the rate of promotion n the grade the teacher is at. quite unlikely to hit 10k after 7 to 8 years.

teacher start at geo 2.
batch promotion 2 years later hit geo 3.
assuming teacher is high flyer 2 years later hit geo 4 (which is already v fast)
another 3 more years, hit geo 5.
which means hit geo 5 in 7 years ( considered v fast liao, ive seen teachers hit geo 5 in 5 years, n teachers hit seo1 in 10-11 years, but that's definitely not the norm)

ok back to hitting geo 5 in 7 years. geo 5 is definitely not 10k. a starting geo 5 is probably 6k or 6k plus only, since the geo 5 ceiling is 7k plus.

unless u r saying the teacher manage to hit seo1 grade in 7-8 years (which is super duper fast n extremely rare), n even then seo1 starting salary is also not 10k. seo starting salary is probably only 7k plus? with bonus maybe close to 9k. but 10k is way off.
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