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  #3884 (permalink)  
Old 20-08-2021, 07:49 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Connect plan is one of the several good things that we enjoy on this job. Yes, there are good things on this job..

... but there are also many glaring areas for improvement in how the system treats teachers. The fact that it is now hard to get in, and the fact that there are many people waiting in line to replace outgoing teachers, should NOT be used as a justification for continued subpar treatment of teachers. You as a teacher (presumably) should understand that.

Examples of stupid things we have to put up with: minimum quotas for adverse performance grades; planned deployment of more "teacher-counsellors" (I assume CARE officers?) in the wake of RV incident instead of resourcing us with real mental health clinicians and more real counsellors; more and more paperwork bloat in the name of accountability and backside covering.

Just because a job is in high demand doesn't mean that there is no room for improvement. How can teachers be telling fellow teachers to be contented and grateful with all these issues? We are better than that.

Good points raised. Though if you read the post carefully, I’m not saying that the job is perfect and that there’s no room for improvement. (i suspect we’re both on the same page). I was making a pragmatic statement that indeed those of us with a job that pays decently/well should be grateful. It’s a sentiment which most people can agree with right
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