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  #3784 (permalink)  
Old 25-07-2021, 04:21 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Munchen View Post
Hello everyone.

I am currently an untrained Secondary school teacher. Have been teaching since Jan 2021. I am expected to teach until NIE intake in December. Have already been cleared to proceed but there are several things I would like to ask.

1) For teachers with CS coming in 2 different departments, do they end up teaching more hours? I am asking because i have 4 classes for my CS1 and 2 classes for CS2. And these classes are all at different levels so that would mean 6 different classes to prepare for each week.

2) Are there checks by SLs to ensure some teachers are not overloaded? I notice that the newbies get more classes at least in my school. In the future, if i am assigned too many classes as a trained teacher, what avenues can I use to voice out my concerns about the workload?

3) I did bring this workload up to my mentor but i was told in a rather dismissive manner that "it is a right of passage". Are newbie teachers expected to take on more classes in the beginning? Once you become more experienced, you deserve less classes sort of thing?
Welcome to the real world.
They can bully whoever they can.
U can skip chain of command and write to p, but doubt it will work well for your future
But if u need this job, just have to tolerate it till u finish pgde
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