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  #231 (permalink)  
Old 24-06-2008, 12:07 AM
Posts: n/a
Default 2018

Geez, learn proper grammar dude! If Ronaldo is indeed for real (which I doubt), the people paying him/her are indeed idiots. Be that as it may though, I think he/she is just trolling so please don't get too worked up over his/her posts.

In my (not very) professional opinion, he or she probably has some sort of personality disorder. Probably narcissistic PD or else borderline from his very clingy "Look at me! Look at me! I'm the bestest, greatest, smartest (add other superlatives ad nauseam) thing ever and me and my rich friends will spit in your poor pathetic faces" followed by the false modesty of "despite the fact that we're talentless wankers!".

Another DDx. is that he/she has schizophrenia with delusions of grandeur and other hallucinations, but that seems less likely as he/she is more or less coherent. Perhaps he/she is receiving adequate psychiatric treatment and so is still able to write coherently? In any case, I think it is irresponsible of us to encourage his/her fantasy by replying since it is encouraging the behavior, in which case we are perpetuating or at the very least impeding his/her recovery from the mental illness.

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