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  #880 (permalink)  
Old 26-10-2011, 07:35 PM
Posts: n/a

Don't stereotype all Investment bankers. Those doing those CDOs are a very small bunch. And most of the teams are in EU/ US. I started off in 2007 doing M&A.. almost lost my job during the crisis. Now, joined another IB doing Equities. Crisis is coming and I worry l will lose my job again. Never robbed anyone/cheated anyone. Starting pay is high but the hours are very very long. When I come home from work my whole family is asleep already. When I wake up for work they haven't wake up yet. I think alot of people only focus on the high pay but there are alot of sacrifices. People don't pay you money for nothing. No free lunch.

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
See, why there's such "injustice"? Industries involved in making the real economy tick ....Engineering, Manufacturing are paid peanuts compared to investment banking.

Most investment bankers are nothing more than scammers who robs the poor/middle majority for their own benefits......packaging subprime mortgages, bundled them as derivatives, (CDOs, Collateralized Debt Obligations) and selling them to the retail investors and then betting against the same CDOs to fail.

Go watch the documentary Insider Job (2010) and you'll know exactly what I mean.
Makes you want to puke on how corrupted these investment banks and the people who run them are.

But then again......if you are the one earning the big bucks and living the high wouldn't probably give a hoot too.
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