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Thread: Lawyer Salary
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  #11518 (permalink)  
Old 22-05-2021, 08:36 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
What careers are worth?
The careers that are not worth if you want to be rich:

1. Lawyer: you will end up middle class or upper middle. You will spend every waking hour at the beck and call of clients. You will draw a salary equivalent to IT directors with no qualifications.

2. Auditor: Don't bother aiming for partner. The partner interviews are one-shot, you will only ever get that chance after at least 10 years of 9 to 5am.

3. Government roles unless you are superscale

The careers that are worth it:

1. Investment banking: 10+K with cash-raining bonuses to millions and millions

2. Private equity: millions and millions

3. Doctor: 15k to 500K a month (at the top). But the median doctors still outearn median lawyers by a mile.

4. Dentist: 30K a month

5. Management consultant: Maybe

6. Hedge fund manager

7. Tech-related roles.

8. CEO of your father's company.

The careers that you either make or break:

1. Start your own business. Chance of making millions and millions which most lawyers will never see in a lifetime or going bankrupt

2. Trader.
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