You are a wise person. No money in the world will be able to buy time you have lost. Don’t regret not spending enough time with your family and contributing to society. Too many people are so caught up chasing that extra dollar and lose sight of what is truly important. At your death bed, no amount of wealth really matters. What matters is what you have done on this earth to make the world better. If the world mourns your death, then you have led a meaningful and happy life.
Originally Posted by Unregistered
I’m the high flyer you talked about. Retired in my 40s to focus on family, health and charity. I’m not a greedy person, happy with my achievements, beyond my wildest dreams. My apartment is debt free, I still drive a luxury car and I enjoy travelling. You don’t need so much to be financially free. You also don’t need to leave behind so much wealth to your children. Let them work hard to build their own wealth.