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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 30-03-2021, 11:08 AM
Posts: n/a
Red face

Yes it is a popular trend even my big corporation want to adopt it and setup a data analytics team etc.
We ofc don't have the skills so we hire / outsource.

One thing we realised is that those looking for this job also have no experience.
Alot of impostor syndrome..

So we hired 2. One graduated from mathematics degree in NTU. Alot of theory we don't understand but we Google also found out he ********. So all talk no result.

The other one we hire is a self taught software graduated from cybersecurity but pursuing machine learning. That one can code but just follow tutorial can't understand the maths theory.

So they both ebrryday is just debating arguing.
At the end of the day, our team need to show / demo some application to senior management to show progress.

Guess what? Both of them quit. Why? Both ashamed by their impostor syndromes...
As a result, the senior management decided to shut down the team and just move on to another project for show....

Yes its trendy but don't really have much applications
Things like not enough data.
Or data collected is not relevant to the model.

So yes. ******** pseudo science.
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