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  #217 (permalink)  
Old 07-09-2011, 11:12 AM
Posts: n/a

aiyoh... cqn tell your writting skill is damn jialat... People can get put off when they read poorly written cover letter, i suspect that's the reason you are not getting any replies..... you might want to buck up your english to stand a better chance during a job interviews...
Usually Engineers hired into banking are the ones who are more articulate and possess excellent written communication skills... they are generally perceived to be smarter and thus is more likely to be hired... Gd luck man...

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i am local u engineering grad with not good honours, have been looking for bank operations job after i grad as i feel it has prospects compared to engineering, and i hate my years of studying in engineering in school
but i have been discouraged by many people to find bank operations job, instead to find my field of study, and also been awhile after i grad and i do not have replies from every source i tried (finding bank operations job). ppl in forums say that engineering grads can work in bank operations , but in reality, it is hard for me (negative comments from ppl and no replies) , should i give up now ? and go and find my engineering job which i hate , and be an engineer for life , as i tink i only stand a chance of being given interviews for engineering jobs

i have no other interets in other jobs, i only know that i hate engineering, i pick up an interest in bank operations while reading this forum. should i go and find engineering job? or keep finding bank operations job ( which i feel there is very low chance ) , or should i find other types of job (i do not know what jobs i want, i only know i have pick up an interest in banks operation job while reading this forum and other forums) , also partly my fyp professor tell me a lot of his engine students have found jobs in bank & finance industry, and i vaguely remember tt he encourage me in this direction , also because i took up an interest in trading after i grad and i have been reading stuff on them during my free time, so i hope to join a relevant industry to accompany my trading interest, and i tink i sort of like to read finance materials

but i tink its all a dream to me as maybe, it is not the right fit for me as i am an engineering graduate with no relevant finance skill, what should i do

if anybody can advise me on what to do, i am thankful in my heart
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