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  #216 (permalink)  
Old 07-09-2011, 08:28 AM
Posts: n/a

i am local u engineering grad with not good honours, have been looking for bank operations job after i grad as i feel it has prospects compared to engineering, and i hate my years of studying in engineering in school

but i have been discouraged by many people to find bank operations job, instead to find my field of study, and also been awhile after i grad and i do not have replies from every source i tried (finding bank operations job). ppl in forums say that engineering grads can work in bank operations , but in reality, it is hard for me (negative comments from ppl and no replies) , should i give up now ? and go and find my engineering job which i hate , and be an engineer for life , as i tink i only stand a chance of being given interviews for engineering jobs

i have no other interets in other jobs, i only know that i hate engineering, i pick up an interest in bank operations while reading this forum. should i go and find engineering job? or keep finding bank operations job ( which i feel there is very low chance ) , or should i find other types of job (i do not know what jobs i want, i only know i have pick up an interest in banks operation job while reading this forum and other forums) , also partly my fyp professor tell me a lot of his engine students have found jobs in bank & finance industry, and i vaguely remember tt he encourage me in this direction , also because i took up an interest in trading after i grad and i have been reading stuff on them during my free time, so i hope to join a relevant industry to accompany my trading interest, and i tink i sort of like to read finance materials

but i tink its all a dream to me as maybe, it is not the right fit for me as i am an engineering graduate with no relevant finance skill, what should i do

if anybody can advise me on what to do, i am thankful in my heart
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