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  #4114 (permalink)  
Old 18-02-2021, 07:02 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
eh fking cb doggy

I say you can stop ah?

SIM doggy/trash, your only purpose in life (other than generally failing at every thing you do) is to entertain NUS BBA on this forum.

As your superior, you are not allowed to leave, unless I give you permission - and that will never happen. In other words, I will continue abusing you until either the forum shuts down or you commit suicide. Speaking of the latter, I would highly recommend it - you would finally be doing the world a favor by cleansing the gene pool of your peasantry and filthiness.

Daily reminder SIM doggy is proud of going to UOL over RMIT, will call police if you make fun of SIMs, and disappointed his dear mother until she seek out NUS ah boy to fck 😂

Now reply, doggy

Oi, filthy SIM trash, why no reply for 2 days? Cb you wanna be bad doggy and ignore command? I beat your mother next time I see her - dat what you want, doggy?

Don't want me hurt your dear mother, then be an obedient b*tch and reply. NUS BBA isn't done abusing you yet

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