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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 03-02-2021, 05:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I can only offer you an insight.
Data analytics / machine learning is a hot trendy thing.
LinkedIn etc machine learning dev ops hottsrt job.

So my corporation, one of the big tech in Singapore... The top management direction also want to explore this field.. How to use data analytics to improve bla bla bla.

So existing people have no idea how to do. But was appointed the role to lead. So my boss hire and interview for people for this role. We have no idea how to verify the legitimacy of the candidate. Some are so fake just know theory. End up just debating theory and concept of data analytics with nothing to show for. Others have some experience but not sure what is the industry standard etc.

All in all, the team failed. Didn't meet the kpi. In the end the management abandoned the team.

So yeah. This is a trndy field but Singapore doesn't seem to have any real talent in this. So most just fake it.
Most who take up this role also expect high pay but lacking in skills.

In the end the boss just assigned the data analytics to a programmer. And the programmer just follow some simple guide R or python to just do some simple analysis.

So yeah.
If they know the theory at least, they were probably not fake just inexperienced. On the other hand, it is weird to say someone has experience when he has no knowledge of industry standards.

I agree that experience is important and there is a lack of experienced data science professionals in SG, and actually everywhere.

Another common cause of failure is that the organization/stakeholders lack the will and understanding to embrace data centric work processes. Most people do not like to rock the boat, so it requires a lot of pressure from the right people to make things happen.
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