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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 22-01-2021, 02:28 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by noctis View Post
Hey everyone, first off I want to apologise in advance if I sound completely unaware, as I have a feeling that I really do not know what I am doing.

Here is the background story, I have a BA arts in Interior Design from Singapore Institure of Technology, tried to do Graphic Design for a large local MNC (will not name the company for obvious reasons) as I felt that I didn't want to pursue designing spaces in the local job market as its either not profitable enough or allows enough progression (violently against working for design and build, no offense just personal). Was hoping the stint doing Graphic Design would help me establish what was meant to be a stepping stone to reach a point where I could eventually be a Design lecturer. After close to 2 years (graduated in June 2015) am realising that I really do not believe in the company and what they do and that there is very little to almost no long term sustainable progression in the company.

Considered switching careers to either banking or something in the government sector but am worried that the lack of a degree in related fields will be a serious issue. Was actually prepared to quit my job and go take all the CPAs (1b 5 6 6a 8 8a 9 hi BCP PGI) and then make the jump but aside from a few friends who have business/finance backgrounds I really don't have any info on what to do so I do not want to jump the gun.

Am not afraid of the hard work, am only afraid I am going in blind and wasting another few years of my life. Am only 26 this year so that also explains why I am so ready to quit as I have no major commitments, and I have rainy day savings to tide me awhile.

Could anyone advise if the jump is a smart move career wise? Should I actually go back to spatial design instead? Back in my school days I actually did research on the Arts Master Plan so while searching government jobs I did try to look for those specifically but so far no responses from my applications.

Really appreciate any feedback or advice given, and I am more than willing to share more information in private or answer and questions in this thread if its not too sensitive information.
Hi, I was looking for a career switch from banking to other industries, maybe looking at design. And somehow landed on this page. WOW what an opposite. It seems like ur unhappy partly because of the company. How about try switching company but still be in the same industry first and see how it goes? Instead of completely changing industry just because of 1 company. It also seems like your motivation is on the progression and monetary value (quite opposite mine; i am jaded by the banking industry on how fast paced and stressful it is even monetary cant seem appease me anymore. Sick of chasing the money for the sake of ego). If you want to consider Banking or Govt, be sure that there are many layers of people you need to go thru, processes, red tapes that your comfortable w coz it can get draining and sian after awhile. But the money is there. So you have to decide what you prioritize

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