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  #254 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2011, 08:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
"new and potentially cheaper replacement" - We are all sick of hearing this, but i have to say it: There's no free lunch in this world.

"Because most of the engineering roles in Singapore are those of a manufacturing variety" - Strangely they are paid more than engineers who does actual product design and development.

"Overseas engineers are potentially better." - 'Potentially' is the right word. I've seen more crappy than good ones. Their more suitable as scientists than engineers.

"Yes, there is some frictional cost as the new hire gets up to speed, but the impact to the business is really negligible." - Engineering knowledge comes with experience. It cannot be passed on easily. Many specializations take as long as 3-4 yrs to train a new hire up to speed. The boat would already be long gone by then.

"Most engineering jobs skills are not transferrable, so they know its hard for you to get up and leave for a better paying job." - Engineers are jumping all over and across industries despite their specializations.

All in all, sg is just not the place for hardcore engineers. Either rise to management or work like a dog with low pay.
I don't disagree with your points on time it takes to train an engineer fully. But reality is, a fresh grad can be trained to perform the core functions very quickly, and there will be seniors to guide him in areas which require experience and judgement.

Is this optimal? No. But does this materially affect the business? I'd say no as well - just means the seniors have to work harder (for the same pay) for a time.

Nett effect? There is little incentive for companies to fight to retain rank and file engineers when there is limited downside to replacing them with fresh grads.
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