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  #729 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2020, 12:38 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I wonder how ST appoint the manager appointments. I have seen M2 with Dy Division Manager but M3 with Manager title. End up the M3 reports to M2 technically because of appointment.
I was told 2 different stories:
1) Story 1 say there are two tracks. Engineers and Managers...
- So the people who say this story is basically saying M1 is the lowest form of managerial track. M1 is the E6
- People who share this story usually say M1 pay is same or lower than engineers.
- But they don't share that M1 got extra annual leave.
- So how can it be the same.
- Some say the extra annual leave is the result of lower actual $ salary.
- I dunno la.
- So people in this track will say M1, M2 have no actual managerial power. But they don't have to do engineers work.

2) Story 2 say there is only 1 track. All road leads to management.
- People say this M1 is higher paid than E6 likewise E6 is higher paid than E5.
- People who use this example will feel there is no future. ONly a select few will be 'handpicked' by managers to be promoted to M1, M2, M3.
- That's why alot of engineers left cause they been just E6 forever while some management go from M1 to M2 to M3 every few 2 to 3 years.
- People also say 'see who sits in their own office' those who have their own office are the actual managers.
- Some say M1, M2, M3 are just your 'salary grade'
- Some also claim M2 can be lower paid than E6.
- Some also claim that there is a quota how many M2 and M1 in each division.
- And usually this M1 and M2 are already long timer (10 years++)
- SO they don't leave, people can't get promoted.
- THis is valid cause recently an M1 quit and guess what an E6 finally got promoted to M1 after 6 years.

Anyway ST is not a place for promotion/engineering work.
Join ST only if u want to retire/enjoy life/ doing average work.
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