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  #57 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2020, 12:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
It's called fillial piety dude, something you probably lack. My parents are still working and well to do but i still give them 400 each per month as a form of rent/payback for providing for me up till i got my degree. Be appreciative of your parents, they probably spent upwards of 300k raising you. What is a few hundred a month to them? Be grateful, cheers!
Why do we have to monetize filial piety though? It's almost as if giving parents money is the only form of expressing filial piety and appreciation lol. But anyway, giving parents money is not a bad thing obviously, but im more concerned about the serious sandwich gen cases like literally they are stretched to their limits because of their parents' poor financial planning...I have friends whose parents are adamant on not working and just stay home shake leg (even though they are fully able bodied and not even near retirement age, according to my friends).

So in such cases, they usually have to fork out a huge chunk of their meager take-home pay to raise BOTH their parents (who have no savings, due to poor finances) and their own families, which stretches beyond "a few hundreds a month" and it's really rough. Not that i want to blame the parents, but when your children have to sacrifice and suffer as a result of your poor financial planning, it's really sad.

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