Forums - View Single Post - Local Uni Class of 2020 - COVID19 Batch - Are your lowering your expectations?
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  #268 (permalink)  
Old 06-06-2020, 12:01 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
hi guys, am looking for some advice;

should one take up the SGUnitedTraineeship if offered a position or continue looking for a full-time role?

local uni grad with second upper but being offered 2.2k for the traineeship.

understand that times are hard now, but is this too low an expectation or should I take it as an internship to gain experience first?

will appreciate any help, thanks
You got to be kidding me, this is as good as you can get, if you are real good, you would still be having virtual interviews like some of my friends.

Dont hiam, just because we have local uni "cert" does not mean you are able to give more value to your employer, just take the offer and accept the fact that you are average or just slightly above average. Not everyone is meant to be at the top, it is called the top for a reason

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