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  #266 (permalink)  
Old 06-06-2020, 12:26 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by sinkingfeeling View Post
First work problem I can think of: when I had a job I used to spend a lot of time writing and rewriting emails.

I was scared that people would interpret something I didn't mean. Also have a desire to make sure my writing is polished. But then I always spent maybe half an hour on that.
I think this is quite common. But what I seem to realise is that in terms of content, a general rule of thumb is to be short and to the point. This is especially so if you are writing to someone who is very much higher up, they don't really have time to read emails, and they want you to be short and sweet and to the point. Unless you are writing those kind of mass spam informative email, no point being long-winded cause it just turns the reader off.

In terms of format, the email still needs to be formal and not rude, but don't be too polite cause it doesn't add value in any way, and it can portray that you are not being firm. Use lots of white space paragraphing too so it looks more organised and less of a mass clump of words. And once again, short and to the point, leave out any irrelevant information that has no value.

I personally like to schedule a catch-up with the other party and relay the information verbally first, then follow up with an email detailing what we went through. This ensures that they know what you are referring to since they already heard what you have said and you are just reinforcing it through an email. Secondly, it gives you a chance to practice your communication skills as well since you are conveying information verbally first. If they don't even understand what you are saying to them, I think sending through email isn't going to be much different. But of course, this greatly depends on whether the other party prefers emails or physical catch-ups and you need to play by ear.

Anyway, hope this helps in some way.
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