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  #1152 (permalink)  
Old 27-05-2020, 12:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
The people taking an issue with the $$ are conveniently leaving out the job security and prestige that comes with the profession. It would be valid if the job is barely paying a living wage or national median. If it helps, compare this with others working in their fields of “passion” which are usually much less lucrative (Arts, musics and such). And how about comparing to other jobs of equally noble calling? Say Teachers/ policeman?

Sour grapes maybe, but I feel they want it all and are being hypocritical about it.

Actually I don't think we are hypocritical about it. Most of us (esp the younger generation) openly say that we want the money. In fact, I have seen some of my colleagues choose certain specialities (procedure based) /go to private because of money. I am sure that there many doctors in the private sector charging high consultation fees/order unnecessary investigations because they want money. (Just look at the exponential increase in the hospitalization insurance plans over past 2-3 years, esp for private coverage)

I agree that our job is generally secure/safe from a recession, althought career progression is less guaranteed nowadays compared to the past due to oversupply of doctors.

Prestige- to be honest, I think this is old school thinking. If you have worked in the healthcare sector, you would have realise that most patients don't respect doctors nowadays, and complaint at the very slightest opportunity. (Recently there have been high profile cases reported in the media regarding the Ortho surgeon, and psychiatrist which most people think are just purely ridiculous complaints from patients). I spoken to some of my seniors, most of them prob receive more complaints than gratitude comments/cards throughout their career. (Of course some specialisation are more litigatious compared to others)

Healthcare workers, together with other essential services have received praise/gratitude recently mainly due to the covid situation. Prior to covid, no one really care about us. (I am not just referring to doctors, but the whole healthcare sector in general including our nurses and allied healthcare colleagues, who probably have it worse than us)

Sadly I think prestige/social status is largely related to your wealth nowadays rather than your occupation.

Btw, I am just sharing my thoughts, I am currently a unambitious mo who aspire to be a gp/rp. I am happy with 10k/month, but of course if can earn more then better la.
I am just sharing to clear some of the misconceptions that people/parents have about doctors before they rush their child to med school. In general, I think if your child has the ability to get into med school, he/she likely has the ability to make much more money in other sectors (eg finance or banking); send your child to med school if they really want to be a doctor, and not because of money/non existent prestige.

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