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  #2156 (permalink)  
Old 17-03-2020, 11:38 PM
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I am a KP and true enough there are some heinous black sheeps among the MM who can easily clinch the Guinness World record for the fastest prata flipping or most malicious shooting. It is human nature to mind one's own business, and I have witnessed KPs who would speak for their JH during ranking and became a mute right after their job is done. They will not comment on anyone else even if they had worked with the person. On the other end of the spectrum, there will be **** stirrers who will nitpick every single JHs. And at times when the herd mentality will kick in, everyone will chip in someone kickstarts the fault finding game. Ultimately, it depends on the character of the ROs. Some are just more eloquent while others more softspoken.

I've never been afraid to speak up. Even when I was an SH to now a HOD, I believe in giving credits to all JHs and presenting a holistic view that do that do them justice and help them grow. Ultimately, they are fellow colleagues, another human-being. As educators, it is heartwrenching to see other educators' effort being washed down the drain because of minor faults being amplified by old birds.

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