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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 18-04-2011, 11:24 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I heard this... I heard that.... no facts to back up your claims.

Singaporeans need to shape up or remain unemployed. These FT are here because there are not enough Singaporeans that are competitive in the globalised economy. The Government doesn't owe you a good job because of your citizenship. They need productive people to keep the economy growing. Not a mass of whiners and complainers wanting free handouts.

If you are the minority, you can threaten to vote all you want. I think its a small group of whiners who are posting across all the forums. We will find out what Singaporeans really want in 3 weeks.
the government is not publishing useful data! that's why we can only "hear this" and "hear that".

- give us data on how many singapore CITIZENS are employed at the 2 IRs.

- stop lumping PRs and CITIZENS in all wage and employment data.

- median income has risen slowly over the past decade, and even so, this is data that lumps PRs and CITIZENS. show us data for the past decade on CITIZENs salaries and employment.

- give us data on the ratio of number of CITIZENS to foreigners in MNCs.

- give us data on the income of CITIZENS to foreigners in MNCs.

be more transparent and we can then tell them if they have indeed "passed their examinations". btw, they are paid the highest salaries in the world - merely passing the exams is not good enough. i want them to pass with flying colours and highest honours, which they obviously have failed to, despite having the "best talent".
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