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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 22-11-2018, 01:22 PM
Posts: n/a

Starting salary is around 3.6K~, which is on the low end for a fresh grad software engineer. Year on year increment is also only around 3-5%, just enough to cover inflation. Your real income won't change much unless you get promoted. Promotions and performance bonuses depends on how well you can sell yourself and your achievements. Standard benefits + some extras due to being a subsidiary of Singtel.

That said, even though the the starting pay is low, the entry criteria is ~very~ easy (relative to other tech companies), because their turnover rate for junior engineers is very high. I estimate around 50% of new engineers leave within 3 years, and very few stay for more than 5, so they are always hiring replacements. This is good for the people who maybe didn't do as well in uni (third class or maybe just a pass degree) to gain some practical work experience. As you gain more real project experience, your degree matters less and less, making it easier to find better opportunities elsewhere.

As for the work itself, that really all depends on the project you are assigned to. 90% of NCS projects are government contracts (if that matters to you). There are really slack projects where all you do is basic maintenance and ops support and you can just coast through every day. There are also really siong projects where you will OT and burn weekends constantly (they are also the ones where you gain the most valuable experience). Team culture and your manager's attitude will also make a big difference here. Ultimately, YMMV.

tl;dr NCS should probably not be your first choice of tech employers, but it's also not as terrible as most people make it out to be.

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