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  #202 (permalink)  
Old 29-10-2018, 12:21 AM
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Originally Posted by zero_88 View Post
I work in ST

Con - politics
I can tell, really a lot of politics one, cos ST Electronics himself is TOO BIG

gt different division, then those old people like to stalk at people and see what are u doing, like are u surfing the web, or doing real work, and you tio mark bo dai bo ji, I know some people tio marked b4, just becos the old people management "don't like u"

I can say, there dun focus on the output of the work, but rather people skill, social skill and how well u able to interact with colleague

(almost) everyone damn fake and wear mask everyday. But there are still nice people around

Pro is - really very slack most the times, but of cos thing u must do la, sometimes need to go down to site and do testing. Sometimes will go home quite late but once in a blue moon kind, you also wun stay alone la.

Working timing is sibei flexible one, if you know the boss on leave, you can come work at 10am, nobody know unless your colleague bao toh you (which refer to the first point of office politics). If you miss your breakfast, can go out for a breakfast and start work at your free time.

1130pm lunch, lunch is no fixed time, but we usually go at 1130pm, can come back anytime, usually we come back at 1230pm

OT is optional, actually how much work u done, nobody know, even your boss also dun know, cos they will not check on you. You need to DELIVER something by the end of the day. BUT, if your co worker, blackmouth you or complain say u nvr do thing, YOU KENNA. Back to point 1, KEEP A GOOD RELATIONSHIP with your colleagues.

Take MC and leave is piece of cake, you can easily take 2 day mc, I still gt about 10 days of MC for this year havent finish


I recommend this to people who are like to chup and smoke and mix with people, generally 30+ to 40+. Don't mind wear a mask everyday and keep good relationship with colleague at all time. It is very stable.

If you are introvert, young and vibrant, and also like to experiment new technology or like to be alone, this is really not a place for you.

Salary is above average, just above the line of average. Bonus is good

If vs NCS, I would choose ST over NCS
How many months is the average bonus for ST?

How about the yearly increment part?

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